Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

This afternoon I had the privilege of photographing the Smith family.  I was so worried on my drive over when I started seeing little water drops on my windshield, but we lucked out and had a fun, dry session.  All I can really say about these two little girls is that Daddy better watch out for all those boys in the future!!!  You have a couple of little heart-breakers on your hands!  Enjoy you little sneak peek and I will get the rest to you soon!



There is just something so wonderful about old building and barns.  When I was doing my photography classes in college I actually did my final project on old barns and building that were falling down.  Little did I know, one of the buildings from that project would end up being today’s location!  Hope you enjoy.






So what do you do when it is 70 degrees in November?  You go to the beach of course!  Here is a little sneak peek for you guys.






I love being able to photograph my friends and their families! I always have so much fun and come away with a ton of photos. Here is a little sneak peek for you.








P.S.  You CD will have close to 170 photos on it!!!  I just couldn’t narrow them down.

On October 7th, my twins turned 1.  I can’t believe it has been a whole year since we brought them home from the hospital.  It has been such an amazing year with such amazing babies.  Their one year photo shoot was also a good excuse to do a trial run of my new chair!  We headed out to my new favorite place in the morning and got to work.  Ella was cutting 3 new teeth, so she was very upset and cranky, but she made it work.  Jack on the other hand was a little ham.  He loved the camera.  I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for us!  I have to warn you that I think my munchkins are extra cute, so I put up a ton of photos.

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What a Great Day!

June 12, 2009

I did a quick little photo shoot for a friend of mine and her daughter over in the Spanish Art Village at Balboa Park. The little girl was very cranky, but we were able to get a few cute shots.


